But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Matthew 5:44

 لیکِن مَیں تُم سے یہ کہتا ہُوں کہ اپنے دُشمنوں سے محبّت رکھّو اور اپنے ستانے والوں کے لِئے دُعا کرو۔

Treat others, the way Jesus would treat them.

Attention Please!

Question is here that, which type of Love we need to give to each other?

So, we’ve talked about how one of the best ways to share the Son of God Jesus Christ is to live like Him. But that’s easier said than done. Living like Jesus is hard. And loving people sounds easy, but it’s hard to do. Because if we’re going to love people like Jesus, that means loving every person like Jesus—including the people you don’t like and might be they're your enemies.

In Matthew 5:43-48 Jesus didn’t say to only love people who are kind to you. He said to love everyone, love your neighbor, love your enemies, love them who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven………. Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus taught us that, how can we become sons of God?

Very simple Jesus said in The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:9) that, “blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” If we’re loving, caring and peacemaker just as Jesus is then we’ll be called sons of God. Apostle John tells us through his gospel account that when we received Jesus and believe that there is only one God YAHWEH and believe in His Name and believe in His begotten Son Jesus then He gave the right to become sons of God. And that sons of God born not of natural decent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will but born of God to know the Spirit of truth. How do we know the Truth? if we’ll hold the teaching of Jesus then we’ll know the Truth. Brethren we know very well that Jesus is a Son of God. He came to this world with grace, love, peace and blessing. Scripture tell us in Romans 5:10-11 that He’s the first Peacemaker, Mediator in this world between mankind and God. And Jesus taught us also very well when he said “follow me” in every way. For example, He forgive the enemy and love them you must too.

The way you want people to treat you, do the same with them. It’s a great idea. Jesus’ own idea, in fact! But what about when we think that, they don’t deserve it? Even when they’re being unkind to us? Even when they’re annoying us? We think, we never forgive them because of their bad attitudes. But when we’re rude, annoying or underserving, don’t we want others to forgive us and show us grace? Obviously, YES! we want. You know, it’s true. And Jesus asks us to show the same forgiveness and grace we want others to show us—even though it can feel almost impossibly difficult to do. In fact, Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40 that the greatest law was to love God and to love people. It’s really important to Jesus to made us sons of God by His teachings and works.

So, how can we love each other when it doesn’t come naturally to us? We’ve got to change the way we see them. We’ve got to realize that we’re all made in the image of our Creator. Think about that for a second. You—and every person, you know—was hand-crafted by God. And all of us are created in His image. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we’re God’s masterpieces. So, First, believe that about yourself. God created you exactly the way He wanted you. And when you believe that, it’s easier to extend that kind of love and acceptance to others. Secondly, if everyone is a masterpiece, that means every time you say something negative to someone, you’re insulting God’s most beautiful creation. Now is a time to stop it.

James—half-brother of Jesus—had some powerful words about this in James 3:1-12, too. He wrote the Epistle of James in the Bible, and he said in v-9 that “with our mouths we worship God and then with those same mouths—we curse people around us who are made in God’s likeness.” Means, for example: When we worship God on Sunday, are we turning around and tearing people down on Monday?

Let’s change the way we see the “others” in our lives. Let’s start seeing them as significant. And then let’s start treating them the way Jesus would treat them in the gospel account. So, the next time you’re tempted to speak or act harshly to someone around you, consider this in the gospel account that, how would Jesus treat this person? Then do that.

And if you find so much about how to love others in the Bible and you feel or think that you don’t understand about this, that how can you apply these loving statement in your life then you need to PRAY: God the Father I need Your help. Sometimes, it can feel impossible to love everyone around me. God, give me eyes to see people the way You see them. Help me to love people the way your Son Jesus love them and treat people the way your Son treat them. In Your Son Jesus's name, Amen 🙏

By Brother Shahzad Gill.